NFT's mechanics
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Dexminer Finance NFT is a collection of 2,500 Dex Avatars. Each NFT is unique and living on the Binance Smart Chain. With hundreds of artistic elements, each avatar is crafted by DXM Team Artist.
DXM NFT collection uniquely interacts with the DXM Ecosystem. There are 5 rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, Super Epic & Exclusive. NFT Owners will receive BNB reward from 2% fee of $DXM sale volume, use NFT as a citizen to play DXM Social Game, AND trade the NFTs on the DXM NFT Marketplace.
NFT Drop Rate:
Common: drop rate 80%
Rare: drop rate 12%
Epic: drop rate 4%
Super Epic: drop rate 3%
Exclusive: drop rate 1%